
Wickham Big Sing

Love to sing? Dread anyone hearing you? Wouldn’t dream of joining a ‘real’ choir? Then come sing with us at the WICKHAM BIG SING.  Join us on Sunday 4th August at midday for the WICKHAM BIG SING with The Tuneless Choir.

If you can sing – come along as well – we don’t discriminate – in fact, we need all the help we can get 🙂 

We want as many of you as possible to join in.  Click here to download lyrics for the 2024 setlist.

You probably won’t need them as all these top tunes are included in their 2024 set.  We are sure you’ll know all the words. (click to view on YouTube):

The Tuneless experience is unique. We sing purely for the pleasure of it – with no pressure or expectation to improve – and simply aim for everyone to leave us feeling energised and uplifted.

The Tuneless Choir first appeared at Wick in 2022. It proved such a success we invited them back for 2023. Wickham loves to have a sing-along! In 2023 the choir had 105 performers, double the previous year! Everyone got braver when they saw how much fun it was! Come and join in and make some noise in our arena.

There are 30 plus Tuneless Choirs around the country, but for our WICKHAM BIG SING we’ll be led on stage by two Local Tuneless Choirs from The Solent and Locks Heath.

Singing is for everyone, come join us!